Welcome to my projects! This is where I keep all the interesting things I’ve built - from actually useful tools to “hey, I wonder if I could…” experiments. Each project tells its own story of problem-solving, learning, and occasional late-night debugging sessions. Some of these started as solutions to real-world problems, while others grew from pure curiosity about a new technology or framework. Whether it’s a polished application or an entertaining proof-of-concept, every project here taught me something valuable
A real-time MBTA schedule display using a TRMNL e-ink display and the MBTA API
A train ticker using a Raspberry Pi Zero W and an Inky pHAT
An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for helping students enhance their reading comprehension skills.
Around The Clock
A simple time keeping application written in Swift for MacOS
Goal Guardian
iOS application for keeping track of goals and executing on them
Time Guardian
iOS application for keeping track of the amount of time that you work on different tasks