
Notes on Rust Development

Table of Contents




Starting a new project

cargo new project_name


cargo build



Build and Run

cargo run

Generating Documentation

This will generate documentation and open it up in the browser. File is located in project-name/target/doc/project-name/index.html

cargo doc --open

cargo test

Cargo looks for tests in each of the src files and /tests. /tests should be used for integration style tests, while the te sts in the src files should be unit tests.

cargo test

You can run a specific test:

cargo test mytest

This will run any test that has mytest in the name of the test.

cargo dependencies

Dependencies can be added to the Cargo.toml in the dependencies section. The versions that are used for dependencies use SemVer.


In Rust, variables are immutable by default. Adding mut before the variable name let’s the variable be mutable.

let oranges = 5;
let mut oranges = 5;

‘&’ indicates that a variable is a reference.

Shadowing the value of a variable means that a variable name is reused rather than making it so that two unique variables need to created.

let mut _mutable = 12;
_mutable = 21;
let _mutable = true;

Error Handling

In Rust, the question mark ? is an operator used for error handling. When you see line?, it is shorthand for a pattern where an operation that could potentially fail (in this case, reading a line from a file) is attempted, and if the operation is successful, the value is returned. However, if the operation results in an error, the error is returned from the current function.

Cargo Commands

Check Code Without Building

cargo check

Release Build

cargo build --release

Update Dependencies

cargo update

Clean Build Artifacts

cargo clean

Run Tests with Output

cargo test -- --nocapture    # Show println! output
cargo test -- --show-output  # Show all output
cargo test -- --test-threads=1  # Run tests sequentially

Format Code

cargo fmt

Check Code Style

cargo clippy

Create Documentation

cargo doc  # Generate docs
cargo doc --no-deps  # Generate docs excluding dependencies
cargo doc --open  # Generate and open docs in browser

Project Structure

├── Cargo.toml
├── Cargo.lock
├── src/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── bin/
│       └──
├── tests/
│   └──
└── examples/

Common Attributes

// Testing

// Derive common traits
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]

// Visibility

// Conditional compilation
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]

Useful Macros

println!("Formatted print: {}", value);
format!("Create a String with {}", value);
vec![1, 2, 3];  // Create a vector
assert_eq!(left, right);
panic!("Error message");

Common Type Conversions

// String conversions
&String into &str;

// Number conversions
let x: i32 = "42".parse().unwrap();
let y = 42.to_string();

// Vector/Array conversions
let v: Vec<i32> = (1..4).collect();
let slice: &[i32] = &v[..];

Error Handling Patterns

// Using Result
fn fallible() -> Result<Success, Error> {

// Using Option
fn maybe() -> Option<Value> {

// Propagating errors
fn propagate() -> Result<T, E> {
    let x = something()?;

// Unwrap patterns
value.unwrap();  // Panics on None/Err
value.expect("Custom error message");
value.unwrap_or_else(|| expensive_computation());

Memory Management

// Box - heap allocation
let boxed = Box::new(value);

// Rc - reference counting
use std::rc::Rc;
let shared = Rc::new(value);

// Arc - atomic reference counting
use std::sync::Arc;
let thread_safe = Arc::new(value);

// RefCell - interior mutability
use std::cell::RefCell;
let mutable = RefCell::new(value);

Common Traits

```rust // Display formatting impl std::fmt::Display for MyType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, “MyType: {}”, self.value) } }

// Default values impl Default for MyType { fn default() -> Self { MyType { value: 0 } } }

// Clone and Copy #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct MyType { value: i32, }